Munir Murder Case

Prosecution Still Seeks 15 Years for Muchdi

VIVAnews - According to Lutfi Hakim, prosecuting attorney for the case of the murder of human rights activist Munir Said Thalib, the 15 years sentence sought for defendant Muchdi Purwopranjono is based on facts obtained from the trial, not on assumptions.

Muchdi’s attorney, Lutfi Hakim, had said in a previous hearing that the sentence sought by the prosecution is extreme and merely based on assumption.

In response, the prosecuting attorney, Cirus Sinaga, said that the charges, both of the crime and the sentence, are based on facts from the trial, not on assumptions. “The prosecution stands by the previous charges, which is, that the defendant is proven guilty of premeditated murder of Munir and seeks 15 years of imprisonment,” said Sinaga at a hearing in South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, Dec. 16. The prosecution has also rejected the defense’s pleas and arguments.

The prosecution, said Sinaga, has evidence of Muchdi’s involvement in the murder. Among the evidence, he said, are: a letter of recommendation from the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) to PT Garuda Indonesia; a document containing a list of names and phone numbers from Muchdi’s cell phone; accounting book detailing spending by Budi Santoso on Muchdi’s orders. “As well as judicial review decision by the Supreme Court on convict Pollycarpus Budihari Priyanto, giving a verdict of 20 years imprisonment,” said Sinaga.

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Pollycarpus has been convicted for actually giving Munir the poisoned drink that led to his death. Muchdi, former Deputy Chief of State Intelligence Agency, is currently on trial for allegedly giving Pollycarpus the order to kill Munir.

Based on the evidence revealed in the hearing, said Sinaga, the prosecution’s charges and request are not mere assumptions.

Translated by: Ramona Sofianne Dewi

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